Confusion Issue 22


A particularly ‘Pool’ heavy issue of Confusion magazine this, which is great because it’s made me even hungrier to try to find a way of actually finding and skating one before these old pins finally give up!

Only 2 left in stock

Elijah Akerley (USA)
Greg Harbour (USA)

DIY Spots:
Cambodia Backyard Bowl
Glücksburg (Germany)
Sacrifice Your Garden (England) – best f*cking idea anyone ever had!

Lovenskate’s ‘Don’t Worry Gordo’
Niel Turner’s ‘Olde Trip’

And features on:
Brute House Pool (New Jersey)
Hippie Pool (California)
Grimace’s Pool (Australia)
Hot Shits (Niv Halpern, Ryan Cardone, Brendon Cross)
Dirtbag Crew (East Coast USA)

and our Boy Jordan got the back Cover!

and way way more… I recommend this issue for a long train journey with the ‘Legends Never Die’ mix tapes and 6 cans of Holsten.
