03 Nov Alex Hallford Interview
Myth, or have you seen him in the real world? Street, park, rocks, loops… Crazy Al has done some magical things on a skateboard. Lots of footage and photos coming out in recent mags, and now he’s riding for Hazard Wheels, all the while re-working Flo Skatepark. The Nottingham wizard has graced us with a wee bit of back and forth word exchanging with our boy Aaron Wilmot.
Aaron: Hello Alex, how you keeping brother?
Alex: Very well thank you, keeping busy as always bro. Hope you are well to bro!
You’ve just finished up re-building Flo Skatepark, how’s that been?
The rebuild is done and it was great being part of the whole process from re-designing the space to learning and working along side some of best wooden park builders in the world. The response to the new park has been awesome, the park hadn’t really changed much in the last 5 years so it’s a breath of fresh air for the Nottingham skate community!
Has Van life been treating you well? Heard you’ve got a tiny house project on the go?
My van is treating me well and I have really enjoyed the freedom of a simpler life. A bigger living space has its perks but the ease and freedom of a moving home is so liberating. Not to sound corny but I feel less trapped by the rat race and feel more in control of my life and my time. It’s always been a dream of mine to build my own home so yes i have started a tiny house project. It’s a big project so it’s moving slowly but passion projects take time and shouldn’t be rushed. Fingers crossed it all works out!
Do you read a lot? Any favourites for people to try learn something new?
I try to read as much as i can but i confess its never enough. I’ve been reading The Little Prince for the 100th time, one of my favs right there! Many things to be learn’t from that gem of a book.
How do you manage to keep in good health Alex? Must have an effect on your skating?
Eating well and stretching to balance out the other stuff. I can feel every cigarette these days…. Time to quit before its to late.
You’ve traveled a lot in the van, remember going round Europe and picking up Adam Paris and I in Berlin?
That was a hella good trip. Me and Chloe took 3 months to drive around Europe in our old transit. It was such an amazing trip and I would recommend to anyone. Europe is so culturally diverse with lots of different landscapes and awesome people, what an adventure.
Picking you guys up in Berlin was incredible, Berlin is an incredible city, always guaranteed a good time. After 3 days of living it up , we all drove to Copenhagen. Crossing in the ferry in Germany to Denmark, the danish boarder police didn’t like the fact Aaron was sat in the back on a camping chair. “Is this legal in your country” they said sarcastically as we stared back at him lost for words. They then told Aaron to walk 500m’s up the road so we were no longer their problem… Phew, that nearly was a massive rain on our parade but luckily it hadn’t stopped there. We made it to Christiania! Haha
You got a few favourite place you’ve hit on the road round Europe?
I really love it around the alps. The Tirol area is stunning, I love spending time in Innsbruck. Great skating and the summers and winters are both beautiful. I also try and visit CPH as much as possible. Such an awesome place to skate. I think where we first met to Aaron! Travelling has helped me grow and understand the world so much and I wish that for everyone! There’s a whole incredible world out there!
Alex Hallford. Peodo Blunt. photo Alex Irvine
Is there a place you’ve been wanting to go that you haven’t been yet?
Mexico and Peru has been one on the list for a while. After reading books like Finger Prints Of The Gods and Joseph Campbell’s work to name a couple, i have been fascinated by the ancient world. So many secrets of our past. The child in me also really wants to climb some pyramids. Luxor and Giza in Egypt are also places i would love to visit.
Nepal was fun! So was India! We need another Journey like that. Who’d you get in the plane and where’d you go?
Japan, China or Thailand would be so dope for the next ‘Lovenskate Culture Connections’ adventure. The skate community covers the whole globe these days and connecting with different people and communities all over the world is so a positive and humbling. Meeting people from every walk of life all with a connecting love of skating makes for incredible encounters, life long friends and unimaginable adventures and experiences.
You hit a lot of contests in your tour days, lots of miles to, tell me about some of the ones you’ve loved?
So many to think about but more recently , me, Sox, Jordan and Jackson spent a month travelling down the west coast of America in a minivan and it was a great time! It was mad experiencing Americans and America for the first time properly. The RipRideRally in honour of Phelps, PStone and Hubbard was such a wild event and skating Lincoln city for those dudes was so sick. Fired UP! Other events i will always remember include going BIG in the SOSH. Marseille and Prado bowl , big love! Roman in Innsbrook always puts on some dope events, some crazy times with those legends too.
You got a worst contest you’ve been to haha?
I don’t really remember a worst contest, anyone trying to put on a skate event on to get people together is doing a good thing! It can be hard sometimes. Herding radical cats haha
Drunkest you’ve been at a contest and still won?
Cruise and booze in Eindhoven 5 years ago, doubles contest with Jäger shots every time you land a trick. It gets out of hand quickly in the best way i think, i dont really remember haha.
After lots of miles and lots of fun on your board man, Lovenskate made you pro which was so sick, the boards have been lovely! How did you feel going pro?
I was over the moon. It was so incredible seeing that first board. We had bounced ideas around but actually seeing it in the flesh was something else. That first graphic and all the graphics since have been so sick and the attention to detail of Stu, James and Lovenskate is unparalleled. It’s an honour working with and skating for Lovenskate!
Alex Hallford. Hardflip. Photo Reece Leung. Inkjet photo and screen print.
Doing a loop probably helped, how many try’s for the first one?
My first loop was when i was driving round Europe with Chloe. The skatepark in Bremen, Germany had a small loop so I probably tried about 30 times before I got it. It was fun working it out but not without a couple slams for sure. It was a small funnel. It felt like doing a small super fast cart wheel haha.The bigger loops took some working up to mentally but after that first couple goes, it all starts to make sense.
Are you looking forward to Laax this year? Always good fun skating it!
Yeah man can’t wait , I haven’t been on a proper skate trip out the country for a minute so this one will be very welcomed. I love going back to Switzerland every time so hopefully this trip will be incredible as always. The Swiss guys run a rad event no we can’t get back there soon enough! Let’s go!
It’s been a tough year, what’s some of the challenges you’ve had man and how have you overcome them?
Many challenges still on going but we have to remember we ain’t alone out here! Manifesting feelings love and compassion for everyone around you and as importantly, love and compassion for yourself is so important! Don’t let them divide us! Talking honestly with people who will be honest with me has helped a lot. Taking time to think without distraction and always go with the flow.
Plans for the future Alex? You going to try travel more if you can or trying harder to set up roots here?
Going with the flow as always, the Taoist way! My roots in my home town are strong but I am always open to anything! I am filming and skating plenty at the mo, keep my projects rolling and let’s see what happens. Big love
Well it’s been lovely chatting Alex, always is, big love. Ron
Peace Brother
Alex and Aaron. photo Stu Smith